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to show possibilities



My name is Eleonora and my mission is to show you the potential  that you already have within you.

I originally studied International Engineering and worked in one of the most important but also most demanding companies in Germany. During a break, however, I realized what I actually live for and what fulfills me personally, what happiness and personal development means to me and how it is possible to believe in something bigger, in something that has always been there and has been with me since my first breath accompanied - my soul.

I have always been an optimistic and sensitive person who can question things and accept experiences as life lessons with gratitude.

Through my additional training as an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, I have learned to analyze my feelings, my thoughts and my actions and to recognize my triggers. This helps me to grow beyond my possibilities, to live a mindful life and not to criticize myself.

Recognition and Awareness!

But in my opinion there is much more to being human and that is how numerology came into my life. I opened my senses to spirituality and esoteric knowledge. I opened up to everything I believed and didn't believe, knew and thought I knew.


The more I became aware of myself, the more I understood how everything is connected.


The more open and mindful I became, the more love and contentment I felt. Numerology helped me to free myself from the deepest hole of insecurity and so I could grab the chance of a lifetime.

I want to give that to you too!

I want to show you that everything you are looking for, what you long for is already stored within you.

Your enjoyment of life consists in the never-ending development of your personality.


...we always have our destiny in our own hands. It is always important to react to what life offers you. Opportunities in life keep opening new doors for us and it is up to us whether we take the chances or not.

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